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Baby Dies in Hospital a Month After Being Attacked By His Parents' Dogs

Newborn baby dies in hospital a month after being attacked by his parents

 Reuben McNulty a newborn baby boy died one month after he was mauled by his parents' dogs. He was attacked in the early hours of Sunday, November 18 at the family's home in the village of Yaxley, near Peterborough in Cambridgeshire, England.
Newborn baby dies in hospital a month after being attacked by his parents
His parents' Staffordshire Bull Terriers named Fizzy and Dotty both attacked him. He died in the hospital on Thursday, almost 4 weeks after the dog attack.
Newborn baby dies in hospital a month after being attacked by his parents
The boy's parents Dan McNulty, 31, and Amy Litchfield, 28, were arrested on suspicion of child neglect and released on bail. Detectives say the baby's death is not being treated as suspicious.
Newborn baby dies in hospital a month after being attacked by his parents


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